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Running Form & Gait Analysis through video and AI

Get a personalised running form analysis within 60 seconds by taking a video with your smartphone and let our AI do the rest. See what are the strong/weak points and get insights on how you can do to improve them.

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Get a detailed personalised biomechanic analysis

ochy personalized analysis icon
Our analysis is personalised because it takes into account the person’s height, weight, gender and speed.
details about each point of the body icon
Get details about each point of the body and see what are the weak points.
ochy - accurate key metrics icon
Obtain accurate key metrics and data to give you that edge for those fine margins.
ochy - Biomechanic Analysisochy - A Detailed Personalised Biomechanic Analysis
ochy - Built With Science And Research Labs

Built with Science and Research labs

Our technology compromises of computer vision AI and a detailed biomechanics algorithm. This was developed based on years of research and in collaboration with University of Suffolk. On our team we have a physiotherapist and a doctor in computer science.

Who can use the technology?

ochy app for runners


Help runners who do not have a coach to evaluate their technique and make a plan to improve.

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ochy app for coaches


Help them to see what they need to improve and how they should do to improve it.

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ochy app for medical professionals

Medical Professional

To help health professionals (physio, osteo) to evaluate the technique of their patients and to provide them with appropriate rehabilitation.

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Easy to setup & use

No captures, sensors or wearables required, just a smartphone camera.
If you already have an existing camera setup, just process the video that was taken through our platform.
Get the results in less than 60 seconds
Share the results with whoever you want
Ochy - easy to set up and use

What people say
about our product


The Ochy analysis provided me with information on my stride and see what could be corrected with also some muscle strengthening exercises. Very good info

Loic Rapinel coach
Loic Rapinel

OCHY allowed our athletes to understand how important it was to know how to position themselves to run well and to correct all their flaws to avoid injury and perform well.

Sarah Jones coach
Sarah Jones

I love how quickly the app analyzes the most important features in your running form. The app is intuitive and easy to use, even if you have no experience with video analysis before.

Our partners

Ochy for iOS and android

With just a smartphone video, perform biomechanic analysis from anywhere.
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